by Jane Malkoff MSN RN NP

Many times it is the attention given to the little things, the mundane, which creates harmony in the moment.  Moments filled with attention to the little things can in turn bring about minutes, hours, days and months of successful, peaceful results.

In conversation with a woman seeking support in her home, she mentioned the need to have someone prepare her meals.  She said she did not require complex meal preparations but would appreciate someone who could make a grilled cheese from time to time not burnt on one side.  I don’t know about you, but I have made many grilled cheese sandwiches burnt on one side.  Yet, I recall even more vividly the times they came out golden brown on both sides and my children enjoyed them.  These golden brown times were when I had given my full care, time, and attention to the task at hand as if the result of one sandwich was my purpose.

There are many times per day we have the chance to create harmony in the moment through attention to the task at hand.  Our response to family and friends, the people we work with or for, other drivers on the road, the person behind the counter, etc. can be the opportunity for spreading harmony and improving relations in every facet of life.

I know I will burn a grilled cheese again in my lifetime.  I remind myself often the attention and care given to the task at hand is not about perfection.  Perfection is not the goal.  The goal is to notice as often as possible and moment by moment how the actions I take be it verbally or physically have a result well beyond the task itself.

We are mindful day by day at Clarity Care Advocates LLC and Clarity Care Givers LLC to help our clients and our staff to recognize the human nature of the work at hand and to remain attentive to each task and word.  There will be many amazing moments of great work.  There will be moments of regret over work not done well.  There will be staff and clients who understand this concept and some who do not.   However, Clarity will remain committed to expanding the moments filled with attention to the little things and strive for many moments like these which turn into the minutes, hours, days and months of successful, peaceful results.