By Jane A Malkoff MSN RN NP


Care Givers Have Always Been Essential 

Care giving is essential to every culture.  It has been with us for more years than we can historically trace.  This makes care giving an unavoidable and necessary part of the human experience.  Care giving is even more prevalent today due to human longevity and the rise of chronic diseases.  Through accepting, giving, and receiving care we tap into a key ingredient in every culture.  This is a powerful reality! 

Consider the everyday forms of care we see around us.  We see parents, grandparents, and paid professionals providing care to children.  We see adult children giving care to a parent with changing health needs.  We see spouses caring for one another.  We see professional care givers in homes supporting the family involved.  We also witness the care by health care providers, nurses and ancillary staff in doctor’s offices, hospitals, and nursing homes.  Care giving is everywhere and has always been essential. 

However, we no longer live predominantly multi-generationally in the U.S.  Therefore, we have learned the hard way that when one person needs assistance to meet their care needs, one family member is not enough.  Care giving remains essential even in the midst of living separated from immediate family.  Individuals and families must seek the support they need from outside of their own immediate family. 

Clarity Care Givers, LLC started over 9 years ago to meet the need for quality care giving in North Indy, Carmel, Fishers and Noblesville.  Unity, kindness, and empathy exists in cultures where the role of care giving is esteemed.  We have set out to honor the essential role of care giver and the people who need care giving. 

2022 is around the corner.  Please stay tuned to our monthly Newsletter and Facebook posts!  We are committed to caring for you whether you need Care Giving 101 information or Care Giving for The Experienced refreshers.  We will assist anyone receiving home care, thinking of receiving home care or resisting home care. 

2022 is a year of optimism!  We have what it takes to be unified, kind, and empathetic.