Being a Care Giver 101
The basics of successful caregiving includes;
- Gently letting the person receiving care know you have arrived to start the day/shift
- Greeting the person receiving care before you greet others
- Approaching the work as meeting a need versus doing a favor
- Honoring the person receiving care as the king or queen of their castle even when the castle is a room in a facility (example: speaking as anyone would want to be spoken to in their own home, rearranging or cleaning only with permission)
- Abiding by the rule all conversation should include the person receiving the care or be held privately elsewhere (talking about someone in third person, chuckling or whispering feels disrespectful)
- Informing person receiving care of everything being done before doing
- Giving choices where possible
- Using conversational style communication even if the person receiving care is agitated
- Accepting the challenge when the person receiving care is rude, confused or ungrateful without being negative or withdrawing
- Understanding success is measured through helping others meet their care needs and never on the person receiving care meeting your need
- Accepting the person being cared for versus trying to train or change them to live or behave in a way you find more acceptable
- Recognizing TV is only for programs the person receiving care is interested in (this applies to activities and other entertainment as well)
- Empathizing is the best path for all things care giving
- Doing the right thing even when no one is watching
- Asking for support when weary from the hard work