By Jane Malkoff MSN RN NP Abracadabra Alakazam! Have you ever felt like a magic trick would have worked better for you than the medical advice you were given? Perhaps you once hoped for a mystical spell because you believed it could be a more...
By Jane Malkoff Delilah Joanne spent the last 1,413 days of her life in a nursing facility in rural Indiana. Those who knew her throughout her life as well as the caregivers in the facility fondly called her “Jo” or “Jo Jo”. Jo was a wonderful...
By Jane A. Malkoff MSN RN NP (Part 3 of 3) Crisis breeds action and if you have read Parts 1 and 2 you have learned how Sandra’s positive actions in the midst of a crisis with her husband’s health lead her to satisfactory outcomes. Sandra entered into a...
By Jane A. Malkoff MSN RN NP (Part 2 of 3) Crisis breeds action as Sandra from Part I (see last week’s blog) clearly found out when she suddenly found herself living her life as a full time caregiver for her spouse and dealing with overwhelming challenges...
Third Leading Cause of Death by Jane Malkoff MSN RN NP We have been taught to believe our health care and support needs are better dictated to us by the health care system. How is that model working for us? Since medical errors are now confirmed as the third...
I’ve often wanted to construct a study whereby emergency responders proceed to the scene of a crisis without red flashing lights, sirens blaring, adrenalin pumping, horns alarming, while preparing for the worst. I wonder if the outcomes would be just as good, if not...