by Jane A Malkoff MSN RN NP

Giving and receiving care are essential, unavoidable, beautiful parts of life.  Increasingly, in every community, care is given to older family members and being received by older family members in a variety of settings.   Caring for older adults with the complexities involved of both personal care needs and health care needs is difficult.  There is no doubt about it and there is no amount of compassion, love or selflessness to overcome that fact.

Caring is difficult because when done well it is a journey of constant labor combined with constant keen alertness.  It is a voyage without a map or a specific destination.  The arduous journey of care is unbroken from birth to end of life.  We can witness this in individuals and communities all around us if we pay attention.  Everywhere people are handling relationship responsibilities as parents, siblings, sons, daughters, spouses, and more.

Caring as a fact of life undoubtedly requires a travel plan, an agenda, a travel team and a well packed bag.  Actually, more than one bag is oftentimes needed.  A journey of this magnitude deserves a large carry-on backpack filled to capacity as well as an additional over sized piece of luggage checked in, at your ready, and often associated with those dreaded extra fees.

Being prepared for a journey known to be challenging and exhausting is the single best way to relish in the beautiful aspects of a life guaranteed to be filled with the responsibilities of caring.  Too often there is overwhelming struggle and grief in the isolated constancy of care and the available beauty becomes elusive.

Effective preparation can begin at any time along the sojourn through recognizing and embracing the inherent purpose and place caring has in all human life.  It is worthwhile to view caring much like breathing or sleeping.   Packing the bags for the journey is the next step.  Bags packed with such tools as:  life experiences and education; observation skill and team building; plan implementation with evaluation; and self-care combined with acceptance of mistakes.

Next time I will elaborate on the preparations listed above.  Please join me!